Blog über Hosting und Server
Seite 33

Causes of high load on VPS
Dec 3, 2021
Causes of high load on VPS

Due to an excessive increase in load, the virtual server can begin to "suffocate" - it simply will not have time to process all incoming requests and perform the assigned tasks. As a consequence, there will be delays in the server, and the loading speed of the site pages will decrease to unacceptable values. In this article, we will talk about what causes can provoke this, how to conduct an analysis to assess the load on the VPS server, and what are the ways to solve the problem.

Protect VPS with FAIL2BAN and IPTABLES
Dec 3, 2021
Protect VPS with FAIL2BAN and IPTABLES

When a server connects to the network, it will inevitably be attacked by bots written by hackers with the sole purpose of finding vulnerabilities in the VPS protection. Scanning by bots - it's like a test for the young soldier, and if your server passes this test successfully, then in the future you can sleep well. If you find a vulnerability - wait for trouble, because the bots will immediately report it to the hackers, and then everything will depend on human error. In this article we will describe how you can protect VPS or VDS with two simple but very effective tools:

Die Bedeutung der Domänenstatus
Dec 2, 2021
Die Bedeutung der Domänenstatus

Beim Kauf und der Registrierung von Domains gehen nicht alle Nutzer rational an die Sache heran und vernachlässigen die Informationsaufbereitung und die technische Seite des Themas. In der Zwischenzeit kann es vorkommen, dass die Arbeit der Domäne aufgrund von Problemen aufhört oder unterbrochen wird. Und wenn Sie nicht dringend bestimmte Maßnahmen ergreifen, kann dies zur Beendigung der Ressource und zu schweren finanziellen Verlusten führen. In diesem Artikel werden wir verstehen, was der Domain-Status ist, was er bedeutet und was er signalisiert.

Black Friday with HostZealot: Get a permanent discount!
Nov 23, 2021
Black Friday with HostZealot: Get a permanent discount!

Black Friday will only last for one day, but your HostZealot hosting discount will last... forever! And no, it is not an April joke, we are honest with you about everything.

Server: build and launch
Nov 23, 2021
Server: build and launch

Just like a normal desktop computer, a server needs to be configured and assembled in a special case, taking into account many important points, starting with the compatibility of components and ending with their efficiency in terms of performing their tasks. In this article, we will explain what steps are involved in assembling a server, and how it is configured and tested after installation.

What is a reselling of hosting
Nov 23, 2021
What is a reselling of hosting

Hosting reselling refers to the procedure of dividing the physical resources of a leased server into several virtual configurations for the purpose of subsequent resale and profit. In other words, a physical server is a cake that a reseller buys in its entirety, divides into parts, and then resells to customers at a small markup. In this case, the reseller himself is responsible for the maintenance and operation of all these servers, and he is subsequently forced to deal with the data center. Often reseller also takes on additional functions:

Why you shouldn't buy extra cheap VPS
Nov 22, 2021
Why you shouldn't buy extra cheap VPS

"Many went bankrupt because they tried to buy on the cheap," Benjamin Franklin once said, and he was truly a great man. A politician, an inventor, a philosopher, an economist, and a writer - in short, a very versatile person. Franklin was guided throughout his life by one ironclad principle - money must be multiplied, and it must work for its owner. And the most effective way to multiply money is a rationalization of investments. In this article we will talk about virtual server rental and talk about why you should not take a cheap VPS or dedicated server, and why the cost of organizing a normal server infrastructure can be considered as an investment.

Choice of processor when renting a virtual server
Nov 22, 2021
Choice of processor when renting a virtual server

Although we have already told you how to choose the right virtual server, we cannot dissect all of the nuances in one article. This is confirmed by the experience of experts at HostZealot, who are faced with a lot of clarifying questions from customers! For example, VPS Rental customers are often interested in the CPU in their "machine" - and we will tell you all the most important things about selecting this node!

How to work properly with a dedicated server
Nov 18, 2021
How to work properly with a dedicated server

Minimum compromise and maximum capabilities - about how you can describe a dedicated server on the background of other options for hosting online projects on the network. But do not hurry to order the purchase or lease such a server! First, we should understand what it is, what are its advantages and disadvantages, as well as what to look for when choosing equipment. All this information you will find in our article!

What is abuse-resistant VPS
Nov 18, 2021
What is abuse-resistant VPS

Different parts of the world have their own moral imperatives and laws regarding what information can be placed in the public domain, so an abusable VPS is always relevant. Usually, content that violates copyrights is banned, as well as various videos and photos that violate local censorship. It can be content, foul language, spam, direct insults and defamation of personalities, and many other things. Each country has its own regulatory authorities, which monitor the resources available in the country and impose restrictions in case of violations.