Dedizierte Server in Ashburn

Ashburn Dedicated Server: The Best Hosting on the East Coast

Ashburn dedicated server offers the best hosting solution for a corporate website. A dedicated server allows fully controlling all the parameters that determine the performance and security of your server. 

Being physically on the East Coast of the United States, a dedicated server Ashburn offers a strategic location. Because of the immediate access to transatlantic Internet highways, this location serves as a link between Europe and America. The data center is spacious and can accommodate any of your infrastructure requirements. Also, you can count on the assistance of highly trained staff.

Benefits of Using a Dedicated Server in Ashburn

All our Ashburn dedicated servers guarantee a 99.9% uptime. This is critical for e-commerce sites, for example, when every single moment offline results in monetary losses. Because of the strategic location, your site will have excellent online visibility on both sides of the ocean. The data center in Ashburn has earned many quality certifications, such as HIPAA, SOC 1, SOC 2, SOC 3, and ISO 50001.

Don’t tarnish the reputation of your business with the use of subpar hosting. A dedicated server hosting Ashburn ensures maximum performance in terms of uptime, access speed, and security. A dedicated server is fully customizable; so, you can scale up some features as your requirements change.

Another important aspect of our dedicated servers is the speed of setup. Within half an hour, you can have a high-performing server up and running. If you have any technical trouble with the setup, our specialists will be quick to assist you. Also, you don’t have to enter a contract to use one of our dedicated servers. This allows you to stop using our service at any moment.

Nevertheless, with some benefits from a dedicated server in Ashburn, VA, you won’t need to try any other alternative. This is the best hosting solution you will find.

Zealot Server in :Stadt von €93/Mo
Fragen über Server in Ashburn
  • Wie man einen Server in Ashburn bestellt?

    Um einen dedizierten Server in Ashburn zu mieten, müssen Sie ein paar Schritte durchführen:
    • Drücken Sie die Bestelltaste
    • Wählen Sie die Erweiterten Einstellungen aus
    • Server-Bestellung in Ashburn einzahlen
    • Start using
  • Wie schnell kann ich einen Server in Ashburn bekommen?

    Unsere vorrätigen Konfigurationenserver in Ashburn sind in etwa 20 Minuten eingerichtet.
    Alle Upgrades von Servern in Ashburn können je nach Lagerbestand bis zu 48 Stunden dauern. Die Lieferung, Einrichtung und Konfiguration kundenspezifischer Spezifikationen kann mehrere Tage dauern.